
Saturday, January 29, 2011

the 25 most Funny Animal Attacks (non-photo shopped )

Look, a big fish!ayDumbo wants to play
Dumbo wants to play

2. Look behind you!
Look behind you!
Look behind you!

3. Climb higher next time!
Gotta climb higher next time
Gotta climb higher next time

4. Hello Kitties

Hello Kitties
Hello Kitties

5. Scuba Diving is Fun
Scuba Diving is Fun
Scuba Diving is Fun

6. Monkey's playing dressup
Monkeys playing dressup
Monkeys playing dressup

7. Don't lose an eye!
Dont lose an eye!
Dont lose an eye!

8. Don't bite so hard
Dont bite so hard
Dont bite so hard

9. Hey look, an alligator!
Hey look, an alligator!
Hey look, an alligator!

10. Goose on the loose
Goose on the loose
Goose on the loose

11. You me me that, I wants
You give me that, I wants
You give me that, I wants

12. Kickboxing for Ostriches
Kickboxing for Ostriches
Kickboxing for Ostriches

13. Baby kitty attack children
Baby kitty attacks children
Baby kitty attacks children

14. Elephants need protein too
Elephants need protein too
Elephants need protein too

15. Monkey hijacking
Monkey hijacking
Monkey hijacking

16. Bald eagle attack
Bald eagle attack
Bald eagle attack

17. Polar bear has light snack
Polar bear has light snack
Polar bear has light snack

18. Birds can bite hard
Birds can bite hard
Birds can bite hard

19. Elephant vs. Car
Elephant vs. Car
Elephant vs. Car

20. Kickboxing Kangaroo
Kickboxing Kangaroo
Kickboxing Kangaroo

21. Horse to Boy: Hello!
Horse to Boy, Hello!
Horse to Boy, Hello!

22. Kitten attacks with fury!
Kitten attacks with fury
Kitten attacks with fury

23. Mmm tastes like fish!
Look, a big fish!

24. Kitty doesn't want noneKitty doesnt want your hug
Kitty doesnt want your hug

25. Give me your bikini... I mean, banana!Monkeys want ladys bananas
Monkeys want ladys bananas

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